
Текст песни — Landlord — Аквариум

Hey landlord, I&#39-m sorry to bother you so,

My visit is certainly weird,

I saw a light in your window upstairs,

Door is open, the guard is asleep.

New tenants are having a party,

They&#39-re drunk and they don&#39-t seem to care —

But I do remember the day I moved in

And I&#39-m indeed

Glad to know you&#39-re still there.

I was just thinking &#39-bout some private stuff

As I was walking back from some friends

They live in those new apartment blocks

And they&#39-re happy about their new place

But then I remember my room full of smoke

And steeples and streetlights, the view

And then I see the light, like on snowy night,

And I laugh

At pretence that it&#39-s new.

Landlord, I&#39-m leading a strange kind of life

And the janitor&#39-s angry with me.

Your servants are probably very nice guys,

But they&#39-re hardly letting me be.

Like a guest of honour, I&#39-m passing them by,

Although I&#39-m just renting this space

But lord, if you pardon my bluntness,

It seems like

I&#39-m of use to Your Grace.

I&#39-m paying my rent not like others do

But I&#39-m paying with what I got.

Landlord, my faith may be all too weak

But I tell you, the Good News is out

Landlord, I&#39-d make a poor foundation

And I won&#39-t make an oar at all

But o Landlord, whenever you&#39-ll feel the thirst

I know

That you know who to call.

Слова песни — Landlord — Аквариум