So What&#39-cha Want

Текст песни — So What&#39-cha Want — Beastie Boys

ust Plug Me In Just Like I Was Eddie Harris You&#39-re Eating Crazy

Cheese Like You&#39-d Think I&#39-m From Paris You Know I Get Fly You

Think I Get High You Know That I&#39-m Gone And I&#39-m A Tell You All Why

So Tell Me Who Are You Dissing Maybe I&#39-m Missing The Reason That

You&#39-re Smiling or Wilding So Listen In My Head I Just Want To

Take &#39-em Down Imagination Set Loose And I&#39-m Gonna Shake &#39-em

Down Let It Flow Like A Mud Slide When I Get On I Like To Ride And

Glide I&#39-ve Got Depth Of Perception In My Text Y&#39-all I Get Props At My

Mention &#39-Cause I Vex Y&#39-All So What&#39-cha Want You&#39-re So Funny With

The Money That You Flaunt Where&#39-d You Get Your Information

From You Think That You Can Front When Revelation Comes

You Can&#39-t Front On That

Well They Call Me Mike D The Ever Loving Man I&#39-m Like Spoonie Gee

I&#39-m The Metropolitician You Scream And You Holler About My

Chevy Impala But The Sweat Is Getting Wet Around The Ring Around

Your Collar But Like A Dream I&#39-m Flowing Without No Stopping

Sweeter Than A Cherry Pie With Ready Whip Topping Goin&#39- From

Mic To Mic Kickin&#39- It Wall To Wall Well I&#39-ll Be Calling Out You People

Like A Casting Call It&#39-s Wack When You&#39-re Jacked In The Back Of A

Ride With Your Know With Your Flow When You&#39-re Out Getting By

Believe Me What You See Is What You Get And You See Me Coming Off

As You Can Bet I Think I&#39-m Losing My Mind This Time

This Time I&#39-m Losing My Mind

You Can&#39-t Front On That

But Little Do You Know About Something That I Talk About I&#39-m Tired

Of Driving It&#39-s Due Time That I Walk About But In The Meantime, I&#39-m

Wise To The Demise I&#39-ve Got Eyes In The Back Of My Head So I Realize

Well I&#39-m Dr. Spock I&#39-m Here To Rock Y&#39-All I Want You Off The Wall

If You&#39-re Playing The Wall So What&#39-cha Want Y&#39-All Suckers Write MeСлова песни — So What&#39-cha Want — Beastie Boys